Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Thank You Meijer and Huggies for the Diaper Donation

A big Thank You goes out to Meijer and Huggies for the donation of 50,000 diapers to Nestlings and a $10,000 check to the National Diaper Bank Network. These companies are working to help bridge the gap of diaper need.  Thousands of babies will be dry, happy and healthy thanks to them. Without community minded organizations like these, Nestlings could not help the littlest members of our community.  These little community members are the futures of our societies and anything to help them get a head start in life can have a positive impact.  Thank you to all supporters of Nestlings and the babies.




5th Annual Stand Up 4 Baby Comedy Show Fundraiser

20160227_180415Nestlings would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who supported the Stand Up 4 Baby Comedy Show Fundraiser. Everyone is appreciated who helped to make it happen. From the Comedians, Sponsors, Audience, Volunteers, Theatre, Sound Crew, MRC and all our supporters. Without all of you Nestlings could not help the babies. Thanks again!

Nestlings Newsletter Volume #4

Read the latest issue of Nestlings newsletter at this link…


Thank You Holland Junior Welfare League

20150602_161828A little package of baby wipes is something that may seem common and simple to many, but can provide so much to those in need.

Baby wipes are specially made to cleanse the sensitive skin of babies and infants. Utilizing other papers or towelettes, such as tissue or alcohol based cleaners, can cause rashes and sores on their delicate little skin. Even the way the wipes are packaged becomes important to a baby’s health, since it allows the wipes to stay moist and not be exposed to environmental hazards such as bacteria or dirt. And, most caregivers would agree – you can’t beat the convenience of a portable package of wipes!

In the US today, diaper wipes have become an essential part of diaper changing, particularly because disposable diapers don’t work well to wipe off solids and disposable diapers tend to smear the residue around. Wipes were well researched and invented to make this a more gentle and sanitary process. Baby Wipes make happy babies and happy caregivers.

Thanks to Holland Junior Welfare League, Nestlings has 1,530 new packages of wipes to distribute in our community. The Holland Junior Welfare League is a wonderful supporter of our community’s children, their futures and Nestlings Diaper Bank.

Clean Diapers Helped Me to Become Campaign


Maybe you are wondering the reason for all these pictures of Nestlings mascot Cheep visiting people holding the sign that says “Clean Diapers Helped Me Become”…

What is it all about? Nestlings is highlighting all types of community members to help show what healthy, happy, clean and dry babies can have the opportunity to grow up and be.

A baby’s brain development is very important in the first few years and positive nurturing is an important part of that developmental stage. Clean and dry diapers play a big role in the nurturing of a baby, its development, learning ability and its future in our community.

The babies and children Nestlings helps are the future business members, company owners, leaders, politicians, bankers, lawyers, police officers, doctors, nurses, service workers, etc. of the communities we live and work in. Why would we not want to help give them every opportunity and tools for a head start toward that future?
It starts with a simple thing.. A clean, dry diaper.

The possibilities are endless that are available to the futures of the children that grow up healthy with clean diapers and Nestlings looks forward to seeing those children grow and thrive in our community. To highlight some of those possible upcoming careers and futures Cheep is visiting all kinds of different community members and posting their pictures to celebrate their accomplishments that growing up with dry, clean diapers helped them to become in life.

Cheep welcomes anyone in our community who wants to participate in the Clean Diapers Helped Me to Become Campaign so feel free to let us know if you would like a visit from Cheep. Follow Nestlings Social Media to see the pictures of our healthy, happy and successful community members.

Holiday Letter from Cheep


Dear Santa Supporters,

My name is Cheep and I am the mascot of Nestlings Diaper Bank. I am writing you to let you know there are thousands of babies in need of diapers in our area. Did you know that 1 in 3 families struggle to diaper their babies?

“Diaper Need” seems unfair and I am trying to help Nestlings bring attention to its’ cause to help diaper those innocent babies who do not choose their circumstances.

A clean diaper can help prevent child abuse, create positive environments, aid in brain development and learning. How can we not want that for the babies of our communities’ future?

Nestlings cannot THANK its wonderful supporters enough for helping to assist thousands of families with its mission to diaper the babies. More and more babies are born every day and many need help too. News reports are grim about the state of our children’s futures with issues of poverty, homelessness, hunger and now this thing called “Diaper Need”.

Nestlings, their volunteers, partners, supporters and I worked really hard this year and we were good. My Christmas wish for the holidays this year is that I would like to help more babies. Diapers should not be a luxury or gift. They should be a necessity.

So Santa Supporters may I please ask you and your Elves to support Nestlings and its mission to Diaper the babies in need. Please stuff my stocking and sleigh with goodies for Nestlings so they can continue their work.

It’s easy to Donate using the Donate Button at or mail to 650 Riley St. Suite L, Holland, MI 49424.

Enjoy the Holiday Season and Thank You Very Much,
Cheep and Nestlings

pile-of-diapersp.s. Please don’t forget the babies once the busy season is over, the Elves could hold a “Diaper Drive” in the off season during their downtime.

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