Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

purpose and issue addressed

Nestlings provides for one of the top un-met needs to low income families – Diapers. One in three families, living at poverty level, struggle to diaper their babies and children. Diapers are a top requested item from agencies assisting low income families. Diapers and wipes along with personal care items are not provided by any government assistance programs.

Nestlings formed to centralize the buying, stocking, storage, distribution and fundraising of diapers and wipes. The diapers and wipes are distributed to existing social service agencies, pantries, churches and shelters all ready established in the community working with the low income. Nestlings takes away the agencies issues of logistics, strain, stress and financial budget binds of finding ways to provide diapers and wipes to their clients in need.

In our area there has never been a specific organization dedicated to meeting the community need of diapers until Nestlings formed. Our collaboration with our partner agencies and the community allows Nestlings to bring ongoing awareness and improvement of the un-met issue of diaper need.

Nestlings is a support agency partnering with other non-profit agencies, shelters, churches, social service agencies and pediatricians serving low income families with babies and children to provide them diapers and wipes free of charge. Low income families with babies and children from birth to potty training are served with wipes and diapers free of charge with disposable, cloth or a combination of both.

On average, a child is in diapers until age 2 ½ to 3 until potty training is successful. Nestlings goal is to assist a low income families diaper supply until they are able to purchase more, to not allow a baby or child to suffer in a wet or dirty diaper for hours on end so a family can try and make their supply stretch and last.

By making it easier for families to access the diapers they need Nestlings helps allow families to achieve happier, healthier growth and learning environments while hoping to avoid negative impacts and issues such as toxic stress from something as simple as not having enough diapers.

Outcomes and Goals

When unable to provide diapers to their children; parents struggle with feelings affecting mood and self esteem including guilt, frustration, anxiety and stress. Providing clean diapers instills parents with a sense of pride, joy, love and a feeling of good parenting. Positive feelings promote positive environment and interactions, so how can we not be in favor of positivity?

Maternal Infant Health Programs serve mothers during pregnancy and the first year of baby’s life with a network of visiting nurses that provide home visits to low income mothers on Medicaid and distribute diapers Nestlings provides. Visiting nurses has stated the diapers they bring to mothers allow a baby to have enough diapers to make it until the family can afford to purchase more, with the mother proceeding to open the pack of Nestlings diapers immediately and change her baby. The nurses also state the ability to give diapers free of charge to clients has been truly appreciated and wonderful.

Volunteers at Family Hope Ministry Center appreciate the convenience of storing and distributing bundled diapers to single moms enrolled in their program. Staff members at The Center for Women in Transition are relieved to receive diapers so they can focus on the Center’s mission to end domestic and sexual violence. While area Care Closets have been able to provide personal care items to more families in our community because of diaper supply from Nestlings.

Nestlings has distributed over 250,000 diapers and removed all agencies from its waiting list, allowing for more partnerships to combat the crucial issue of diaper need in our community. Nestlings goal is to distribute at least 75,000 or more diapers this year. locally into our low income community to combat diaper need to keep babies and children dry, happy and healthy.

Nestlings appreciates and seeks opportunities to work together with partners committed to improve and enhance the quality of life and futures of the low income children and babies in our community. As a community, if we can assist in early environments being more positive, promote learning and development, by providing diapers and wipes to the babies and children, then we should be providing such tools to our future leaders, business owners, bankers and politicians, etc.

where can people get diapers?

Nestlings distributes diapers and wipes in Ottawa County to partner agencies.

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