Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

cloth diapers

cheep-support-cloth-daipers For many low income families the ability to cloth diaper their babies and children is not always the best option. Access to washers and dryers is not always easy and if they are available the utilities may not be turned on at home.   Laundry detergent is expensive and another item not available from assistance programs while transportation to public laundry is not always easy to arrange much less daycare while there or having to take all the kids along.  Large amounts of quarters are needed to run the washers and dryers and not all facilities allow diapers to be washed in public machines.

But there are families that have the resources to cloth diaper their children and for that reason Nestlings partners with EcoBuns Cloth Diaper Store in Holland to provide cloth diapering supplies and laundry detergent free of charge to low income families enrolled in partner agency programs with the want and ability to choose cloth diapers for their family.

cloth-diapers-availableEnrolled low income families with babies and children from birth to potty training are given cloth diapers, cloth diapering supplies and laundry detergent, free of charge for the duarion of their babies time in diapers to potty training.   On average, a child is in diapers until age 2 ½ to 3 until potty training is successful.

Nestlings has been able to help a family completey get their child out of disposable diapers and into cloth diapers.  The baby was having issues of being sick, in and out of the hospital with the family stuggling to get their baby healthy and stop paying hospital and doctor bills.  Once enrolled in Nestlings Cloth Diaper Program the family was given the training and supplies from EcoBuns Cloth Diaper Store free of charge.

Within a few months of baby converting to cloth diapers the rashes cleared up and went away, baby started to get better and they found out it was because the child was allergic to the chemicals in the disposable diapers. The diapers were making the baby sick so as time went on and the chemicals wore off the baby got better and the family was so happy.

The family is not suffering from the stress of a sick child, the child is not suffering and they are saving money not paying doctors, hospitals or buying perscriptions.  What a wonderful result a healthy baby and happy family.

Another positive experience for a family on Nestlings Cloth Diaper program has been the ability to save money not buying disposable diapers anymore giving them the ability to save money and budget for other purchases.  The families stress has been reduced due to the financial savings from the cloth diaper program.

For Nestlings it is not about the great debate of which is better Cloth or Disposable diapers.  It is about having happy, dry healthy babies in our community.  How ever the family chooses to diaper their babies and children Nestlings supports and provides for it.

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