Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Holiday Letter from Cheep


Dear Santa Supporters,

My name is Cheep and I am the mascot of Nestlings Diaper Bank. I am writing you to let you know there are thousands of babies in need of diapers in our area. Did you know that 1 in 3 families struggle to diaper their babies?

“Diaper Need” seems unfair and I am trying to help Nestlings bring attention to its’ cause to help diaper those innocent babies who do not choose their circumstances.

A clean diaper can help prevent child abuse, create positive environments, aid in brain development and learning. How can we not want that for the babies of our communities’ future?

Nestlings cannot THANK its wonderful supporters enough for helping to assist thousands of families with its mission to diaper the babies. More and more babies are born every day and many need help too. News reports are grim about the state of our children’s futures with issues of poverty, homelessness, hunger and now this thing called “Diaper Need”.

Nestlings, their volunteers, partners, supporters and I worked really hard this year and we were good. My Christmas wish for the holidays this year is that I would like to help more babies. Diapers should not be a luxury or gift. They should be a necessity.

So Santa Supporters may I please ask you and your Elves to support Nestlings and its mission to Diaper the babies in need. Please stuff my stocking and sleigh with goodies for Nestlings so they can continue their work.

It’s easy to Donate using the Donate Button at or mail to 650 Riley St. Suite L, Holland, MI 49424.

Enjoy the Holiday Season and Thank You Very Much,
Cheep and Nestlings

pile-of-diapersp.s. Please don’t forget the babies once the busy season is over, the Elves could hold a “Diaper Drive” in the off season during their downtime.

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