Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Archives for August 2018

Thank You OMT-Veyhl

Company pride is well deserved, at OMT-Veyhl in Holland.  The company recently held a Diaper Drive for Nestlings Diaper Bank and gave back in a big way.

OMT-Veyhl employees heard about the plight of the 1 in 3 families that struggle with diaper need whom Nestlings supports with free diaper distribution.  The whole company got behind the diaper drive and included a pizza party for all the employees if they reached their goal of 15,000 diapers.

Over 15,000 diapers were collected from two teams within the company.  The Men vs Women companywide competition was held for a few weeks and OMT-Veyhl broke the most diapers collected record that was previously held by another local company.  The company focused on collecting diapers in the most needed sizes of 4, 5 and 6.  The Men’s Team collected the most diapers to win the fun competition and received a trophy awarded by Nestlings, at the annual OMT-Veyhl Company Picnic in August.

Nestlings is very appreciative of everyone at OMT-Veyhl and their willingness to support the babies in need in our community.  Nestlings will distribute over 100,000 free diapers this year to families who lack a sufficient supply. Babies are our future and deserve clean, dry diapers, no matter what circumstances they were born into.

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