Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Diapers Make a Difference in the Fight Against Child Abuse


The month of April is nationally recognized as Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month. Since 2011 Nestlings has been on the frontline of child abuse prevention in Ottawa County. What weapon do we use to fight for the safety of local infants and toddlers? Diapers.

How do diapers help to keep kids safe?


A child left in a soiled or wet diaper tends to cry more; the parent’s frustration increases; the child is more at risk for abuse and neglect. The free diapers distributed by Nestlings prevent the suffering of children left in soiled or wet diapers for long periods of time, and they provide hope to struggling families who are trying to make a supply of diapers last as long as possible.

Agencies like The Center for Women in Transition that seek to combat child abuse know that, first and foremost, basic needs must be met for a family to thrive. Fulfilling the basic physical and emotional needs of parents, providing social outlets, and fostering resilience — all are factors that will keep Ottawa County children safe and their families healthy.

And sometimes the first step is as simple as a days supply of diapers.

Read How Diapers Impact the Lives of Women in Transition.


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