Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Archives for December 2012

Nestlings New Nest: We’ve Moved!

Nestlings has a new nest!

We have moved into an office space located within Macatawa Resource Center at 665 136th Ave, Ste 30, in Holland.


Nestlings was selected and sponsored by Macatawa Resource Center (MRC) to be part of their new Social Entrepreneurship & Incubator Program; a program designed to encourage social entrepreneurship and aid in the establishment and success of promising new social service nonprofits who aid the disadvantaged in the greater Ottawa and Allegan County community and beyond.


Diaper need continues to be a large unmet need in our community. This office space and MRC’s new incubator program will enable us to spread our wings and continue our mission of diapering babies in need.

Please share in our excitement about this new opportunity by stopping by during our open house.

    Open House
    Thursday, December 27

Diapers and donations for our Give 5 Diaper Drive and fundraiser can be dropped off at the open house too, but donations are not required to attend.

And please join us anytime on Facebook or on Twitter @nestlingsdb.

Merry Christmas!
Tania, Amy, Pat

Give 5 Diaper Drive Kicks Off

Did you know December has 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and 5 Mondays?
How can you “celebrate” this rare occurrence?
Be a Part of Nestlings “Give 5” Diaper Drive and Fundraiser!


December 5 – January 5

Nestlings “Give 5” diaper drive will be an opportunity to show care and compassion for infants and toddlers by providing one of their most basic, but often overlooked, needs – diapers.
The goal is to collect $5,000 and 5,000 Diapers in size 5.


Diaper donations prevent the suffering that many children experience from sitting in wet diapers for extended periods of time as more and more parents are forced to choose between paying for food and rent or buying diapers. (A supply of diapers for one child for just one month can cost $75-$125).

Financial donations will help us support additional social service agencies and churches by supplying them with diapers. We have been able to support 14 organizations this past year and supplied over 50,000 diapers but we have a waiting list of other wonderful agencies and programs.


— Take 5 minutes and place a quick online order for Luvs Size 5 Diapers 150 Count – they can ship direct to us for no additional charge!

— Ask 5 friends to donate $5 to help the cause of diaper need and mail your donation

— Share this “Give 5” Diaper Drive and Fundraiser via email to 5 others (And, no, nothing will happen to your screen if you do it – as some oft circulated forwards might tell you, but you will be making a difference in the lives of infants and toddlers by helping others become aware of the need for diapers and encouraging them to get involved).

Thank you for making an amazing difference in 5 minutes or with $5.00!

Nestlings Diaper Bank
665 – 136th Ave Ste 30
Holland MI 49424

Check back to our website and Facebook page for more fun ideas, suggestions, and photos that will be posted as the “Give 5” diaper drive and fundraiser progresses.

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