Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Archives for November 2012

Giving Tuesday

We were very inspired to read about Giving Tuesday – an opportunity to join a national celebration of the great tradition of generosity.

After Thanksgiving Day we have Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and now Giving Tuesday. Join the celebration to ‘get out the give’ and provide diapers to infants and toddlers by supporting Nestlings today:
Contribute financially with a secure online donation
Order diapers online and ship them to us

Thank you!

And if you would like to learn more about the movement called Giving Tuesday.

Get out the Give. Tuesday, November 27, 2012.

Support Nestlings While You Shop on Amazon


Did you know you can shop Amazon and a portion of your purchase is paid to Nestlings?

Before adding anything to your Amazon shopping cart come to this web page, click the Amazon banner above and a percentage of your purchase will be donated to us – simple, easy! You pay the regular Amazon price (no fees or surcharges for you) but Amazon gives a portion of the purchase price to Nestlings.

3 Suggestions to be sure your Amazon shopping benefits Nestlings:
1) Bookmark this page so you can reach it quickly
2) Visit this page BEFORE adding items to your Amazon shopping cart
3) Click the Amazon banner above and shop as usual. Items added to your cart and purchased during that shopping session can qualify to earn money for Nestlings.

Almost everything on Amazon will generate a donation to Nestlings so you are not limited to any specific categories. Thank you for remembering to support Nestlings when you shop Amazon!

Allendale Grant Funds will Provide for One of Babies Greatest Needs

Nestlings is very thankful for a $1,000 grant received from the Allendale Greatest Needs Fund of the Allendale Community Foundation. Grant funds are rarely issued for consumable items, such as diapers and wipes, so receiving this grant shows the commitment of the Allendale Community Foundation to infants and toddlers in their community and also their awareness of the great need for diapers.

Diapers are a large unmet need that fall into a void of items not covered by State or Federal assistance programs. Occasionally a pantry, church, or agency may receive diaper donations into their programs but they go out as fast as they come in. Nestlings goal is to provide a consistent supply of diapers available in all sizes to these programs.

We have been thankful to collaborate with Valley Church so they can support families in the Allendale area through their Diaper Store. On the second and fourth Saturday of every month, the Valley Church Diaper Store distributes diapers – free of charge – to families in need, referred to them by Love Inc.

The Allendale Greatest Needs Fund of the Allendale Community Foundation grant dollars will be used to buy diapers specifically for the Valley Church Diaper Store in Allendale. Nestlings relationship with a diaper supplier will enable us to purchase diapers at the lowest possible price; maximizing the fund dollars.

How to Host a Diaper Drive

What is a “diaper drive”?
A diaper drive is like a food drive, only with diapers. The diaper drive can be a few days or a few weeks, depending on the nature of the organization hosting the drive. During that time, people bring their diaper donations and place them in the collection box, usually located in a central location, such as a lobby or office.

Diaper Drives are our biggest source of diaper donations.

Organize a diaper drive? It sounds involved and complicated…
Actually, organizing a diaper drive is fairly simple.

1. Get permission from the school, church or business.

2. Work with your organization to set the dates for the drive. The dates can be for a week or a month, or any other time frame that will work best for your organization.

3. Promote the diaper drive with posters, flyers, letters, emails, newsletter or bulletin announcements – whatever communication works best for your organization. This part isn’t so hard because we can help! We have some flyers you can modify with the dates and location of the diaper drive. We also have sample letters and announcements that you can use.

4. Collect diapers. We can provide a collection box for you and at the end of the drive, you can drop off the diapers off or we will be glad to pick up the donations.


Okay, maybe I could do that. How do I get started?
Contact us and tell us that you want to help organize a diaper drive. We can help you get started.

Where will the diapers go?
We believe that neighbors should support their own neighbors. Therefore, Nestlings Diaper Bank will donate diapers in the communities where diaper drives are held. We are well established in Ottawa County and work with over a dozen agencies here.

I own/manage my own business. Is there a way my business can partner with The Nestlings Diaper Bank?
Yes, we are always looking for creative ways to encourage our local community to get involved. Contact us and we’ll work together on a plan

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