Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Archives for December 2011

Are Diapers Tax Deductible?

As we close out the year we often look ahead to the new year with anticipation of… filing taxes. ?!?!

While it is certainly not something most of us look forward to we can anticipate with certainty that we will soon have to file our taxes. And that consideration often has us adding up our deductible expenses. If you have diapered children you know what a large expense diapers are. Is the expense of diapering a child tax deductible? No. Unfortunately not.

But your donation to Nestlings IS fully tax deductible!

Diaper need is an ongoing problem and many babies need you. Your tax deductible donation will be helping to care for local infants and toddlers by providing the comfort of a dry diaper for children who are often left in wet or dirty diapers longer than necessary because the parent or caregiver cannot afford diapers.

Why help?

Babies born into low income families have been known to be left in dirty diapers for hours and in some cases days.  When left in wet and dirty diapers babies tend to cry more, causing stress on the caregivers and the child.  This increases the odds of neglect, physical abuse and causes undue stress to the baby during critical emotional and physical developmental years, possibly inhibiting brain growth, learning and social abilities in the future.

Your generosity buys…

$10.00 = 50 diapers

$20.00 = 100 diapers

$30.00 = 150 diapers

$40.00 = 200 diapers

$50.00 & up = 250 or more diapers

How many dry diapers will you help to provide for local babies? 

Please donate here online (look for the blue box in the top left). Prefer to mail a check?  Checks payable to  “Nestlings” can be mailed to 11926 Burning Bush Ct., Holland, MI  49424.  Donations are tax deductible as Nestlings is a 501c3 organization.

We thank you and appreciate any support.  Enjoy a happy and healthy new year with your family and loved ones.

Examples of Community Effort that Help Provide Diapers to Local Children

Last month we celebrated 6 months of support – a big milestone for a new nonprofit organization. Today we wanted to share some other examples of the community effort that enables Nestlings to carryout our mission of diapering local infants and children.

Shortly after Thanksgiving we received a $32 cash donation from an office in the Holland area – the result of a Casual Friday collection. It was a wonderful surprise to be selected as their charity of choice.

Other generous donations included a $50 online donation that was made after the Babies Helping Babies Challenge was sent to Moms in Tow members, a group of social active moms in West Michigan. And just last week we were thrilled to receive a check for $80 from a group of PartyLite consultants who decided to collect donations for Nestlings at their monthly meeting.

It was encouraging too when we received an email from a corporation in Holland asking if their order service department could do a December diaper drive and collect financial donations to help Nestlings purchase diapers.

And the $5 donation we received when making a delivery to one of our social service partners was especially heartwarming. The donation was given to us by one of the women who does in-home visits to local mothers in need of additional support. The diapers she receives from Nestlings allows her to give hope and encouragement to moms in Ottawa County. She gets to see first-hand the difference something as basic as diapers can make in the health and well-being of local infants and children. She knows, too, that we will maximize that $5 to purchase as many diapers as possible at the best possible price.

Nestlings truly is a community effort and we are so thankful for the support we receive from individuals and businesses in Holland, and throughout Ottawa County, that enable us to continue supplying a basic need in a child’s early development – diapers.

We look forward to hearing from you or your business if you, too, would like to help us make a difference in our community by diapering children in need.

Tania, Pat, and Amy | Nestlings Diaper Bank

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