Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Thanksgiving Is…

Thanksgiving is…

A holiday.

For thanks.

For giving.


Thanksgiving is…

Family, Friends.




While many of us are preparing to enjoy feasts of food with family and friends, we are reminded that countless others don’t know what they will feed their family tomorrow, or who they can rely on for support and encouragement. And for homes with infants and toddlers not only food is important but diapers, too, are a necessity. Diapers seem like such a simple thing but to low income families the cost of diapers is a large burden and source of stress for mom and baby.

Nestlings mission – working toward happy and healthy families by diapering babies in need – is just beginning and we need your support.

Remember that diapers are an ongoing need.

Would you consider hosting a diaper drive with your church, your office, or even with your friends and family? Nestlings makes it simple for you. Just collect diapers at a central location (Every pack of diapers matters!) We will pick them up, sort, store and deliver the diapers to local organizations where they can be used efficiently.

In this season of giving eating we often think of the hungry. We consider it terrible not to feed a baby for a day, but we rarely consider the health consequences for babies left in dirty diapers all day – a reality for many local families who cannot afford a supply of clean diapers.

Consider making a Thanksgiving wish come true. Make a financial donation so we can purchase diapers in the sizes most urgently needed and continue providing diapers that help local children. (Did you know we can buy an average of 100 diapers with just $20?)

Thanks again for the last 6 months of support. We are giving thanks for many blessings and look forward to helping many more infants and toddlers in the coming year.

Tania, Cheryl, and Amy | Nestlings Diaper Bank

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