Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Celebrating 6 Months of Support


Did you know Nestlings Diaper Bank is just a baby?

We are an infant organization.

Dramatic changes occur in the first six months of a child’s life, and similarly Nestlings is celebrating the growth and development of our newborn nonprofit organization.Since beginning earlier this summer we have been able to collect, sort, and distribute nearly 8,000 diapers that directly benefit local babies.

And the “warehouse” is still a living room.

And our “staff” still consists of the 3 volunteers who started Nestlings. 

(If you missed it, you can read more from the Holland Sentinel article printed back in July: Women form nonprofit Nestlings to meet diaper demands of families – Holland, MI)

And just as growing babies require support and nurturing in order to develop to their potential, Nestlings could not continue to serve the diaper need in Ottawa County without the support from friends throughout the community. The future growth and potential of Nestlings continues to rely on the ongoing support of members of the community.

Soon you will be able to read more updates on the results of the diaper drives that have sustained Nestlings this summer (we have lots of people to thank!), and also where all those diapers have gone (they go out faster than they come in), so if you’ve been wondering what we’ve been up to… stay tuned!

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