Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Over 1,200 Diapers Distributed to Nonprofit Agencies in Holland Within One Week

How many diapers will Nestlings need in order to support the Holland area agencies that have partnered with us?

Nestlings is the first diaper bank in West Michigan so the statistics about the total number of diapers needed by local nonprofit partners is still being collected but in the course of just 7 days we got an idea of things to come.

Within one week Nestlings distributed over 1,200 diapers at no cost to these 3 local agencies who have partnered with us to diaper babies in need.








Above: 900 diapers counted and piled up as they were prepared to deliver to local nonprofit agencies.

The diaper orders submited to us by these local nonprofit organizations were filled with the supply of diapers currently stored in the living room of one of our board members – diapers that we are able to purchase thanks to online donations and diapers dropped off to our local diaper donation locations.

The ongoing success of Nestlings is a community effort.

Make a donation online of any amount or drop off packages of diapers to one of our diaper donation locations so that Nestlings can continue to provide a reliable and adequate supply of diapers to local nonprofit agencies who meet the needs of low-income children and families in Holland, Michigan.

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