Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Archives for June 2017

Thank You Holland Junior Welfare League

Thank you to the Holland Junior Welfare League for gifting Nestlings and the babies in need with over 1,000 packages of baby wipes.  Nestlings really appreciates the continued support from the Holland Junior Welfare League for the babies.

Not all diaper banks provide baby wipes to the low income families but Nestlings feels that the baby wipe is an important part of keeping a baby clean and healthy.  Babies don’t get fully clean if they do not get wiped and this is the reason Nestlings feels the wipe is as important as the diaper itself.

When you have to make tough choices between paying rent, buying diapers and all the other expenses that come between weekly paychecks, baby wipes are an item that can get left off the list of basic needs.

For many families this small package of wipes makes a big difference in their budget, but for the baby it makes an even bigger difference in its health and cleanliness.  The Holland Junior Welfare League understands how important these simple packages of baby wipes are for the children and their health.  Not only is the HJWL gifting Nestlings with these baby wipes, many local innocent babies will benefit from this generous gift that gives them an opportunity to have a happy, healthy, positive learning and developmental environment.

Thank you so very much for looking out for our communities children and helping them to have beneficial opportunities now and in their futures.

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