Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Archives for August 2012

Luvs Diaper Deal at Meijer {Ends Saturday}

Luvs diapers combined with Mperks and a P&G rebate result in yet another amazing diaper deal at Meijer this week.

Buy any 2 Luvs big pack of diapers
– $16.99 at Meijer
– Available in sizes 2-6

At checkout a P&G mail in rebate slip will print (because your purchase included $30 or more of P&G products in one transaction).

Plus if you utilize Meijer Mperks program (electronic coupons) you can ‘clip’ the Luvs coupon to get another $1 off at checkout.

Combining these offers results in the best per diaper price we have seen since tracking our diapers buys over the past year (we work hard to make the greatest impact we can with the funds that you donate to us).

Net cost per big pack is $11.49
(Two packs at $16.99, less the $1 Mperks, less the $10 rebate)

Size 2 – $0.11 per diaper
Size 5 – $0.14 per diaper
Size 6 – $0.17 per diaper

So whether you are shopping for your own childs diaper needs or making a diaper purchase to donate to Nestlings we wanted to share this deal so you could maximize your dollars – for less than $25 you have bought a lot of diapers! Share this post with a friend or two, collect the diapers you purchase in one location, and you have a successful diaper drive! Contact us and we will come pick them up.

For instore and online diaper deals matched up each week check out Sarah’s Deals.

Be Part of the First Diaper Need Awareness Week Coming in September

Can you imagine having to choose between feeding your child and changing her diaper?

1 in 3 families in the United States struggle to buy diapers

This is just one of the startling statistics highlighted in Huggies Every Little Bottom study from June 2010.

Nestlings and The National Diaper Bank Network are preparing for the first-ever Diaper Need Awareness Week, September 10-17, 2012 so that more people can be aware of the impact diaper need has on a family and find out what a difference a diaper makes in the life of a child. Across the country, there will be diaper-need focused events including local area diaper drives, discussion panels on why diapers matter, and fundraising events.

Want to help provide clean diapers to more families throughout Ottawa County?

Contact us to have your school, daycare, business, or church be part of the new national event by holding a diaper drive, making a donation, or sponsoring another event during Diaper Need Awareness Week September 10-17, 2012. Some individuals have already begun planning a diaper drive – collecting diapers among their own family and friends to donate to Nestlings.

We are excited for this opportunity to continue working within our community so that more babies can stay dry and healthy because of a supply of clean diapers.

Watch our website and our Facebook page for more news and updates on Diaper Need Awareness Week and the events as they develop.

Our Fundraiser Garage Sale: The Most Popular Item

July was ‘garage sale time’ for Nestlings.

A special thank you to the people who donated clothing, household items, and baked goods; and especially the numerous people who came out in the midst of the heat wave to shop and make the sale a success.

The most popular item from the garage sale?

Peanut Butter Cup S’mores Bars
(You will see them pictured on our Recipes Pinterest board too)

Supporters who shopped our garage sale on Friday told others who stopped by on Saturday and said ‘I heard about these bars!’. We even received comments on our Facebook page days later about these amazing bars. The hot weather made them especially gooey and delicious.

The Peanut Butter Cup S’mores Bars were baked, wrapped, and donated by a neighbor who kindly shared her recipe (originally from The Sweet Life):

Yield: 16 large/20 small squares

■1/2 cup butter, softened
■1/2 cup packed brown sugar
■1/4 cup sugar
■1 egg
■1 teaspoon vanilla
■1 1/4 cups flour
■1 teaspoon baking powder
■1/4 teaspoon salt
■1 cup graham cracker crumbs
■16 peanut butter cups, regular size
■1 1/2 cups marshmallow fluff*

*Fluff is pretty impossible to measure, so this doesn’t have to be an exact amount, just kind of eyeball it. As long as you have enough to cover the PB cups, you’re good to go.

1.Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line an 8×8 baking dishing with parchment paper; coat lightly with cooking spray.
2.In a large bowl of the bowl of stand mixer, beat butter and sugars until fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla until combined. Scrape down the sides. With the mixer on low, stir in the flour, baking powder, salt, and graham cracker crumbs until mixed.
3.Spread 2/3 of the dough on the bottom of the prepared baking dish. Lightly press the peanut butter cups into the dough, then spread marshmallow fluff on top. Press the remaining dough on a non-stick surface into the shape of an 8×8 square. Place the square on top of the fluff and press down lightly.
4.Bake for 30 minutes or until the edges just begin to brown. Allow to cool for at least two hours* to give the bars a chance to set, then remove from the pan and cut into squares with a large, sharp knife.

Thanks again to everyone who made our first fundraiser garage sale a success – the funds raised will help us continue providing clean, dry diapers to children in need throughout Ottawa County.

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