Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

Size Matters: The Most Commonly Requested Diaper Sizes

Nestlings receives diaper orders from local nonprofit agencies who have applied to partner with us. After becoming an approved agency partner we provide an order form so they can simply request from us the quantities and sizes of diapers most needed by the families they currently serve.

When Nestlings began distributing diapers to our agency partners earlier this summer we weren’t sure which sizes would be most requested or most needed but after delivering thousands of diapers in recent weeks we have found – similar to other diaper banks around the country – that the most commonly requested items are size 4 diapers, size 5 diapers, and size 6 diapers. We have found this information helpful so that we can watch for diaper deals on these sizes of diapers and wanted to share these statistics so that those who support us by purchasing diapers and donating diapers might also be aware of the fact that while ALL diaper sizes are needed and appreciated the ones we have distributed the most of so far are sizes 4, 5, and 6.

In fact there is currently a critical need for sizes 4, 5, and 6 so please consider making a donation of $50, $500, or even just $5 so that we can purchase the much needed sizes to fullfil agency orders as soon as possible. You can donate securely through Paypal using the button you see on the right side of the page.

Thank you for your consideration and for sharing this page with your friends who might like to be a part of helping every baby have a clean diaper.

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